What Are We Drinking?

In each The Two Bobs Podcast episode, we enjoy a craft beer on the show (most of the time, anyway).  Because even we can’t keep track in our heads, we decided to keep track here on the website. If you have a beer you think we should try, let us know!


TTB004: Inconvenient Pooping

  • Robert was drinking Ghost of the 43rd American Pale Ale by Three Notch’d Brewing Co. (threenotchdbrewing.com)
  • Rob enjoyed a Vanilla Java Porter by Atwater Brewery (atwaterbeer.com)

TTB005: Tree Seeds

TTB006: Love and Pizza

TTB007: Al Coholic

TTB008: There Are 2 ‘A’s in Caramel

TTB009: Jaden Smith Is Pretty Much A Genius

  • Rob wasn’t working, so he drank a Train Wreck by Mountain Town Brewing Co. (http://www.mountaintownbrew.com)
  • Robert was being a good employee and not drinking while working. He was on his lunch; calm down!

TTB010: A S*** Ton of Water

  • Rob’s stomach wasn’t agreeing with alcohol consumption, but he talked about a Luciver’s Cuvée by Latitude 42 Brewing Co. (latitude42brewingco.com) that he drank earlier that day.
  • Robert sipped on a poorly served Alpha Ale from Wild Wolf Brewing Co. (wildwolfbeer.com)

TTB011: Stupid Eli Face

  • Rob’s was feeling fruity with his Liplock Cherry Stout from Atwater Brewing (atwaterbeer.com)
  • Robert really enjoyed a Grapefruit Sculpin from Ballast Point (ballastpoint.com)

TTB012: America’s Pastime (You’ve Been Warned)

  • Rob’s enjoyed a Breakfast Stout from Founder’s Brewing (foundersbrewing.com)
  • Robert was digging a listener-recommended (thanks, Lori A.!) Danzig Baltic Porter from Devil’s Backbone Brewing Company (dbbrewingcompany.com) but it’s a miracle he even figured that out.

TTB013: It Can’t Be As Bad As Vomit

  • Robert drank a Oskar Blues Old Chub, Scottish Ale, recommended by listener Joe G. (oskarblues.com)
  • Rob sucked on an Organic Chocolate Stout by Samuel Smith Old Brewery (samuelsmithsbrewery.co.uk)

TTB014: Assassination Complex

  • Rob enjoyed a Blueberry Pancake Milkshake Stout by Rochester Mills Beer Co. (beercos.com)
  • Robert drank a Nugget Nectar by Tröegs (troegs.com).

TTB015: Find The Toenail

TTB016: Being Healthy Is Hard

TTB017: Flavor Explosion

TTB018: Betty White Is Not Dead

TTB019: Real Men Wear Rompers


TTB021: Don’t Point Your Probes In My Direction

TTB022: The Clown Prince

TTB023: Luv Da Dough

TTB024: Rob. Likes. Sausage.

TTB025: We’re Practically Famous

TTB026: Beer Helmet

TTB027: Rob Loves Game of Thrones

Best Of “Number 2”

TTB029: Sausage Missile

TTB030: Four-Legged Undies

TTB031: Snack Machine

Best Of TTB, Vol. 3

TTB032: Ceremonial First Pitch

TTB033: Socks At The Beach

TTB034: Tangent City

TTB035: Pumpkin Spice All The Things

TTB036: Cakey or Fudgey

TTB037: Girthy Egg Rolls

TTB038: S*** Load of Fajitas

TTB039: Cheetos Are Not Chips

TTB040: Classic Van Ert

TTB041: Hot And Ready

TTB042: Chicken Spaghetti

  • Rob enjoyed a Buffalo Sweat oatmeal cream stout by Tallgrass Brewing Co. http://tallgrassbeer.com/buffalosweat/
  • After giving Rob shit for drinking a beer that the other Bob previously drank on the show, Robert decided to pick a beer that he himself has already drank on the show. Karma is a bitch, and she just backhanded Robert in the face. Nonetheless the Commodore Perry IPA from Great Lakes Brewing was just as good as it was the first time around. https://www.greatlakesbrewing.com/commodore-Perry

Best of TTB, Vol. 4

TTB043: Ring of Idiot Thieves

TTB044: Crotch Nuggets

TTB045: Robert Kilimowski

TTB046: Xmas AF

TTB047: We’ll Do It Live!

TTB048: Magic Unicorn Formula

TTB049: Beer Pyramids

TTB050: Mount Your Sleep Partner

TTB051: Emotional Support Peacock

TTB052: Former Director James Corney

TTB053: Liquid Fecal Excrement

TTB054: Chocolate Ass

TTB055: Magical Liopleurodon

TTB056: Almond Boneless Chicken

TTB057: We Hit It Off

Episode 58, The Lost Episode (aka Rob Didn’t Pay His Internet Bill)

TTB058: Garbled Mess

TTB059: Kellie Makes Burnt Brownies

TTB060: French Choast Chalupa

TTB061: Big Bulbous Butt

TTB062: Unicorn Saddles

TTB063: STFU Alexa

TTB064: Poop Napkins

TTB065: Shaking The Swine

TTB066: Whackers Wrist For Your Thumbs

TTB067: Where Do You Want These Fish Bags?

TTB068: Would You Wather?

TTB069: Milk Your Beaver

TTB070: Bob K. Is A Pretentious A-Hole

TTB071: The Big Pink

TTB072: Mr. Cockynuts

TTB073: I Like Wacken

TTB074: Watch Manager Chris Swallow

TTB075: Exotic Meat Snacks

TTB076: Bell Twinkle Troll

TTB077: Big Rubber Doctor

TTB078: Toddler Machine

TTB079: Criminal Stimulation

TTB080: Petting The Squirrel

TTB081: Human Spice Cookies

TTB082: Outer Space Beaver Spiders

TTB083: Weaponized Meat

TTB084: Penguin Genitals

TTB085: Alcoholic K-Cups

TTB086: Shart Wilson

TTB087: Boiled Cake

TTB088: Ribbed Balloons

TTB089: Banana Assault

TTB090: Doorbell Licker

TTB091: Microsoft Refund Department

TTB092: Severe Penile Fracture

TTB093: Windy Cocaine

TTB094: Ween Killer

TTB095: Suitcase Full of Cats

TTB096: U.P. Butt Grabber

TTB097: Rogue Nasal Tooth

TTB098: Voluptuous Finale

TTB099: Smut Collection

TTB100: Pig Brothel

TTB101: Horse F’er James

TTB102: Mildly Fishy

TTB103: D***o Cleaning Wipes

TTB104: Mermaid Enthusiast

TTB105: Prehistoric STDs

TTB106: DUI Time Machine

TTB107: Sheep Is Dolly

TTB108: Cuddle Theraphy

TTB109: Grandma’s Bucket List

TTB110: T-Rex of Honor

TTB111: Code Brown

TTB112: Mistress Bob K.

TTB113: Truck Stop Petting Zoo

TTB114: He’s A Good Boy

TTB115: Dorsal Slit

TTB116: Sex Mannequin

TTB117: Arm Farts

TTB118: Self-Love Sicko

Best of TTB: Not So Secret Santa

TTB119: Taint Band-Aid

TTB120: Pubic Swirl

TTB121: Potato The Crap

TTB122: Emotional Support Beer

TTB123: Bag Full of Drugs

TTB124: Crack Bites

TTB125: Orville The Cat

TTB126: Don’t Be Dumb

TTB127: Gryffindor Dropouts

TTB128: Courtesy Flush

TTB129: Smells Like Coronavirus

TTB130: COVID-19 Haircut

TTB131: Knicker Face Mask

TTB132: Prison Bae

TTB133: Stream of Wheat

TTB134: 148 Grove Street

TTB135: Cherry Is A Bird

TTB136: Mask Nuggets

TTB137: Mr. Chinchilla

TTB138: Kleptomaniac Squirrel

TTB139: Birthday Poop

TTB140: Horse F’er Norman

TTB141: Puke Balloons

TTB142: Naked Sign Stealer

TTB143: 8-Up’s Next Attack

TTB144: My Butt Just Farted

TTB145: Santa Has COVID

TTB146: Celine Dion

TTB147: Pancake Battery

TTB148: Frothy Load

TTB149: The Family Episode

TTB150: Pitchfork Home Invasion

TTB151: Squeek of the Week

TTB152: Pickle-Packing Perv

TTB153: Marilyn Monroe’s Ghost

TTB154: Colostomy Bag Assault

TTB155: Pizza Battery

TTB156: Mr Cockynuts is Missing


TTB158: Mutual Pasta Battery

TTB159: Do You Electric

TTB160: Larceny of Livestock

TTB161: Rampaging Cows

TTB162: Cat Coats

TTB163: Toll Booth Willie

TTB164: Pizza Roll Pooper

TTB165: Plastic Princess

TTB166: Chicken Enthusiast

TTB167: Domestic Taco Battery

TTB168: DoorDash Defecator

TTB169: Pierce’s Sticky Fingers

TTB170: Meowy Christmas

TTB171: Fart Jar

TTB172: Glitter Assault

TTB173: Ritz Biscuits

TTB174: Forklifts, Trains & Automobiles

TTB175: Suitcase Getaway

TTB176: Parachuting Spiders

TTB177: Random Bum Tattoo

TTB178: Snack Rack Urinal

TTB179: Together At Last

TTB180: Sterile Pete

TTB181: Holidaymaker

TTB182: Lifelong Stump

TTB183: Rusty Milk

TTB184: Socks On The Beach

TTB185: Trouser Snakes

TTB186: Rogue Pot Farm

TTB187: Gasassassin

TTB188: Real Life “Up”!

TTB189: Hot Circle of Garbage


TTB191: Lit Virginia Slim

TTB192: Finger Buttons

TTB193: Fried Rice Assault

TTB194: CPAP Asphyxiation

TTB195: Salami Man

TTB196: Mermaid Rescue

TTB197: Hot Dog Turf War

TTB198: Poop Museum

TTB199: Grinch Fight

TTB200: Christmas Tree Assault

TTB201: World Wind Relationship

TTB202: Supermarket Slow Lane

TTB203: Cool Whhhip

TTB204: Back Alley Chicken Wings

TTB205: Chicken Residue

TTB206: Knop Tots

TTB207: Key Lime Battery

TTB208: Nails Duly Reported

TTB209: Rhymes With Fun

TTB210: Punched in the Punum

TTB211: Aggravated Baggery

TTB212: Deam Jrob

TTB213: Rag Doll Bride

TTB214: Toe-Tally Gross

TTB215: Turkey Street Gang

TTB216: Team Cheese

TTB217: The Cheese King

TTB218: New Ice Balls

TTB219: Nursing Home Fight Club

TTB220: Fecal Fiasco

TTB221: Human Waste Pile Up

TTB222: Stapes, Incus, Malleus

TTB223: Road Nachos

TTB224: Rob’s Big News

TTB225: Hot Dog Straw

TTB226: Coitus Coupon

TTB227: EasyJet Escapade

TTB228: Vanilla Scalp

TTB229: Teddy Bear Kisses

TTB230: Grandma’s Litter Box

TTB231: Neck Beard Ninja Brigade

TTB232: Human Code H

TTB233: Brown Friday

TTB234: Guacky Bowl

TTB235: Albert Einswine

TTB236: Not So Secret Santa (2023)

TTB237: Large Mackerel Anxiety

TTB238: Sausage Vending Machine

TTB239: Filthy and Injured

TTB240: He Meth’d Up

TTB241: Fish Bandit

TTB242: Jiggling at the Villages

TTB243: Florida Man Games

TTB244: Severed Ducts

TTB245: The Feet Episode

TTB246: Hedgehog Bobble Hat

TTB247: Trashy Porch Pirate

TTB248: Meat Freshener Spray

TTB249: Mr. Hamsworth

TTB250: Emotional Support Gator

TTB251: Cheap White Cheddar

TTB252: Traffic Court Blunder

TTB253: Large Amounts of Bowel

TTB254: Tasty Little Niblets

TTB255: Fart Tax

TTB256: Nutty Goodness

TTB257: Cocaine Sharks

TTB258: Birthday Burrito Battery

TTB259: Feces Face Mask

TTB260: Fecal Flinger

TTB261: Diktat Dismissal

TTB262: Porch Pooper

TTB263: Jiggle Joint

TTB264: Pizza Rage

TTB265: Golden Girl of the Pole

TTB266: Hot Pocket Assault

TTB267: Busted Bug Mule

TTB268: Butt Bugs

TTB269: Meth-Caked Cow Pajamas

TTB270: Tased and Confused

TTB271: Everybody Sharts

TTB272: Mr. Clean & Ms. Dookie

TTB273: Wood Forward

TTB274: Cyber Fart Fallout

  • Rob enjoyed a Strawberry Shortcake Imperial Ale from Southern Tier. https://untp.beer/B2Jbp
  • Robert was so titillated by Rob’s beer review from our last episode that he couldn’t help but review it himself, nursing a KBS Double Oaked from Founders. https://untp.beer/37ba2ac74a 

TTB275: Nuisance Beavers


TTB277: Naughty Nursing Homes

TTB278: Weiner’s Last Stand