TTB001: Introduction

The Two Bobs recorded our first episode on Sunday, January 8 — we hope you enjoy it!  The first episode was mostly introduction but we did cover a wide variety of topics:

  • We made it! Getting our first episode recorded.
  • Who are The Two Bobs?
  • Some NFC North talk (Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions)
  • Some baseball talk (Detroit Tigers, Washington Nationals)
  • Streaming TV (DirecTV Now vs. Comcast)
    • Watching networks vs shows
  • Our wives* and sports, technology
  • Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, excessive baseball viewing
  • Seinfeld vs The Office

Any and all feedback is welcome, see our Contact page for ways to send that feedback and to follow us on social media.


*We each only have one wife.  The English language is a funny thing sometimes.


The Two Bobs Podcast is © The Two Bobs.  For more information, see our Who are The Two Bobs? page, or check our Contact page.  Words, views, and opinions are our own and do not represent those of our friends, family, or our employers, unless otherwise noted.  Music for The Two Bobs was provided by JewelBeat.  Featured photo by Felix Russell-Saw.

Coming Soon

coming_soonThe Two Bobs Podcast is coming soon! We plan to launch around the new year. We’re two guys who have a unique, sometimes extreme, sense of humor. A few things about us:

  • We love technology
  • We are husbands and fathers with kids that say and do goofy stuff
  • Only one of us enjoys long walks on the beach (the other is allergic to sand and bare feet)
  • Our wives tolerate us, but only to a point

We are working hard to bring you the best show we can.  Of course there will be a learning curve but that goes for any new podcasters.  Be sure to check back here at, and when we launch, we’ll be available here, as well as iTunes and other podcast distribution services!

We hope you enjoy the show — make sure to tell your friends!

Robert and Rob