TTB005: Tree Seeds

The Two Bobs recorded episode 005 on Monday, February 6, 2017.

Any and all feedback are welcome! You can use our Contact page to find out how to contact and, of course, we greatly appreciate your positive reviews on iTunes, Google Play, etc.

Thanks for listening!


The Two Bobs Podcast is © The Two Bobs.  For more information, see our Who are The Two Bobs? page, or check our Contact page.  Words, views, and opinions are our own and do not represent those of our friends, family, or our employers, unless otherwise noted.  Music for The Two Bobs was provided by JewelBeat.  

TTB004: Inconvenient Pooping

The Two Bobs recorded episode 004 on Sunday, January 29, 2017.

  1. Feedback!
  2. Listener phone calls–Keep ’em coming!
  3. Beers of the Week
    1. Robert was drinking Ghost of the 43rd American Pale Ale by Three Notch’d Brewing Co. (
    2. Rob enjoyed a Vanilla Java Porter by Atwater Brewery (
  4. Shit we do that drives our wives crazy
    1. Rob is a loud eater….allegedly.
    2. Robert asks his wife if other women mention him in conversation.
    3. Inconvenient pooping. ‘Nuff said.
    4. Sock fairies are real.
    5. Rob sends his wife on kitchen errands.
    6. Rob rearranges the dishwasher…because he does it better.
    7. Robert “shoots the gap”.
    8. Robert hates straws…usually.
    9. Rob: That’s what she said!
    10. Rob raids the garbage can to feed the recycle bin.
  5. Chores we hate (Note: We hate all of them, but some are worse than others)
  6. Organized chaos (AKA living with kids)
  7. Men with bald heads are successful, intelligent, and masculine (FYI: The Bobs are both bald. Sorry ladies, we’re taken.)
  8. Only sissies drink out of plastic cups.
  9. DC vs. Detroit traffic
  10. Distracted drivers

Any and all feedback are welcome! You can use our Contact page to find out how to contact and, of course, we greatly appreciate your positive reviews on iTunes, Google Play, etc.

Thanks for listening!


The Two Bobs Podcast is © The Two Bobs.  For more information, see our Who are The Two Bobs? page, or check our Contact page.  Words, views, and opinions are our own and do not represent those of our friends, family, or our employers, unless otherwise noted.  Music for The Two Bobs was provided by JewelBeat.  

TTB003: Big Bobby’s Birthday Bus

The Two Bobs recorded episode 003 on Sunday, January 22, 2017. Enjoy!

  1. “Serenity now” (link)
  2. Sad, sad football chatter
  3. Reviews are in….and we’re winning!
  4. Rob just turned 29 for the sixth time.
  5. Jesus the fish died…finally.
  6. Bob the fish…because Robert needs to be loved.
  7. Technology pet peeves
  8. Inauguration coverage
    1. Michelle Obama v. Tiffany & Co. (link)
    2. Bill’s wandering eyes (link)
  9. The dentist is the worst.
  10. Robert can’t remember $h!t.
    1. New worst drunk moment.
    2. Can’t remember a name? Just make one up!
  11. Kids wear the darndest things.
  12. Who can live where it’s so cold?

Any and all feedback are welcome! We greatly appreciate your positive reviews on iTunes, Google Play, etc.

Thanks for listening!


The Two Bobs Podcast is © The Two Bobs.  For more information, see our Who are The Two Bobs? page, or check our Contact page.  Words, views, and opinions are our own and do not represent those of our friends, family, or our employers, unless otherwise noted.  Music for The Two Bobs was provided by JewelBeat.  Featured photo by Annie Spratt.

TTB002: (530) 882-BOBS

The Two Bobs recorded episode 2 on Saturday, January 14, 2017. We discussed a variety of issues and played back our first two listener voicemails. Enjoy!

  • Lots of positive and constructive feedback — thank you!
  • Our wives are our biggest fans
  • Kellie likes — not loves — “The Bachelor”
  • Our worst fans
    • Mystery elderly listener called in
    • Robert’s sister likes to throw jabs
  • Rob got drunk and called the show
  • What kind of drunks are The Two Bobs?
  • Worst drunk moments
  • The robots are taking over the planet!
  • Darla WILL be on our podcast. Period.
  • Getting old is hard
  • Some football talk
  • AirPods: Are we buying them?
  • Are mobile device radio frequencies harmful?

Any and all feedback are welcome!  You can use our Contact page to find out how to contact us, and of course we greatly appreciate your positive reviews on iTunes, Google Play, etc.

Thanks for listening!


The Two Bobs Podcast is © The Two Bobs.  For more information, see our Who are The Two Bobs? page, or check our Contact page.  Words, views, and opinions are our own and do not represent those of our friends, family, or our employers, unless otherwise noted.  Music for The Two Bobs was provided by JewelBeat.  Featured photo by Alex Harvey.